Monday, July 13, 2009

Work Post One: Defined pencil and pen styles

I apologize if this blog layout is messy.. The post tool is kind of a pain to work with, moving around images and what not. But here we go.. post one.. lets do it.

Materials Used

Pencils working with head shape, and definition of eyes, nose, mouth..etc..
Some of them suck, some are in the basic direction were I'd like to go. The undead pencils are
more for just warm up and fun.. because..lets face it.. what artist doesn't like to draw skulls.

Felt Tip marker with a waterbrush.. Micron 0.25 used for additive thin detailing post waterbrush.

So this is three 1 hour sessions at the coffee shop by work.. what I want to refine is:
Process of pencil lines for facial attributes, tightening how the simple lines are rendered, and to build a hierarchy from that.. Refining the head shapes I like to define not only phyiscal stature but also personality.

The process of rendering the pen and waterbrush started very well, and I would like to continue that method:
1) Lay down felt tip large strokes
2) brush in shadow
3) Use painters helper to gain back any specular or highlighted area from the brush.
4) Go back over piece with 0.25 pen to push smaller thinner details around the larger strokes (when applicable)

So thats my first batch.. I'm pretty sure I got the thoughts I wanted in here.. I'll be walking around town town this coming weekend doing 3 to five minute sketches of environmental stuff (props, structure pieces..etc..)

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